The twins had a medical condition that didn't allow them to eat food so they survived on a medical formula for the first two years of their lives. We called it liquid gold, but had no idea how bad it really was for their bodies.
Then God brought us to the GAPS diet. This diet was the foundation for healing that enabled the children (over time) to tolerate about 2 dozen foods leading up to their Divine healing in September of 2012.

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Now that we have received healing in our family, we aspire to the dietary guidelines set forth by the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF). WAPF has developed an alternative to the USDA guidelines.
Rather than prescribe one-size-fits-all levels of macronutrients—fats, carbohydrates and proteins—the Healthy 4 Life plan recommends nutrient-dense versions of animal and plant foods, with particular emphasis on healthy traditional fats like butter, lard, egg yolks and coconut oil. The plan does not specify specific amounts of fats or carbohydrates because the need for these macronutrients varies with the individual. (Nutrition Foundation Releases Dietary Guidelines; Monday, 31 January 2011 17:00)WAPF has released a booklet called Healthy 4 Life for anyone wanting to learn how to eat a healthy, traditional diet.